In order to achieve its main objective, namely to become the first European Hub airport, BAC decided to install an AirPort Operations Center (APOC).
Communication and coordination will be improved by having all the involved stakeholders working together in 1 center.
- Implementation of a change management approach
- Manage contacts with the external stakeholders to create buy-in and to take up the role of start-up manager after go-live

Our Approach

- Set up a clear governance structure and way of working for the APOC
- Develop with all partners involved the process maps for aircraft, passengers & luggage and to make sure that a common terminology is established
- Set the right indicators for the processes by which the operations will be run
- Set up a communication plan to ensure project & steering teams had full visibility on project
- Supported end-user by a Change Management plan, which included:
- Interview all the stakeholders to better understand their perception & possible fear to move to the APOC
- Include business theatre to create awareness amongst all of the parties of the change they are confronted with
- Lead workshops to answer questions and define ‘rules’ of smart working (eg. which spaces can have noise vs quiet working zone…)
- Discuss other end-user communication tools (eg. Intranet, Q&As, flyers, posters, …)
- Increased operational efficiency for all partners
- Increased punctuality of the passengers
- New working culture with a focus on collaboration & interaction