I combine the function of Director with the role of Principal Consultant,
Which means that I often get involved in projects at the client side. As Associate Director, I’m involved in many projects within the company. Besides my participation to the different boards at Avertim, where we follow up the advancement of the company and where strategic decisions are taken, I also manage some main operational projects like DPO (Data Privacy Officer in the context of GDPR), mobility, Avertim’s fleet, R&D-referencing and some other main projects.
For me, Avertim still has the same mindset as it did more than 10 years ago when the company was created: innovative, visionary and attaching importance to the individuals and their values. Even today, our colleagues make the difference to our clients, and this makes Avertim a wonderful company to work for. Thanks to our lovely colleagues, we were able to keep the same positive atmosphere over the years and we are very proud of that. For me, this spirit and mindset of a company are crucial, and I’m honoured that as Associate Director, I can contribute directly and indirectly to this.