At Avertim, we believe in the power of collaboration to drive meaningful change. Today, we are proud to collaborate with three meaningful partners that are closely aligned with our core values. These partners were selected according to our core causes, i.e. what we stand for: Health, Education, and Environment.

Avertim’s partnership mission is to collaborate with associations addressing crucial issues and apply our knowledge to enhance our social and environmental impact positively. Each of our partners has unique needs, from raising funds and expanding their workforce to enhancing organizational processes. Additionally, they seek to find new volunteers to support their programs and increase awareness about their cause and mission. Avertim is uniquely positioned to address these needs and can therefore have a real added value.
Our very first partnership started with ToekomstATELIERdelAvenir, known as TADA. At the end of last year, we were proud to sign our second partnership with them.
This partnership, primarily linked to our cause Education, allows us to foster positive synergies and contribute to TADA’s ambitious program in support of Brussels youth.
TADA is a network engaging citizens and businesses in the integration and empowerment of Brussel’s socially vulnerable youngsters and their entourage.

2024 has been a year rich in commitments and concrete actions reflecting the diversity and richness of our partnership. Avertimers dedicated over 100 hours to support TADA. Our employees defined and implemented a fundraising strategy for TADA and organized training and mentoring sessions intended for the association collaborators on topics like functional analysis, IT, time management, and feedback giving. This year, we also participated in three weekend schools focused on financial and entrepreneurial themes, engaging directly with the youth and inspiring them in their academic and personal journeys. Finally, to support TADA's mission, we ran the 20km of Brussels and participated in their St-Nicolas action with Dandoy Biscuits for the second year in a row.

In 2024, we also had the privilege to sign a partnership with the ALS League. The ALS League provides support and information to people suffering from ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) disease and their families.
The association is also dedicated to raising funds for vital research, aimed at finding a cure for this debilitating disease. Our partnership with the ALS League stems from our shared belief in the importance of supporting those who face significant health challenges, contributing to our cause Health.

Avertim and the ALS League are united by a common purpose: to improve lives through education, advocacy, and strategic support. Over the years, we have supported the ALS League by actively participating in their fundraising events and focusing on strategic actions. In 2024, we continued these efforts by shaping event roadmaps, offering training sessions in organizational management, and exploring opportunities to support the research team at Gasthuisberg. A key highlight of our ongoing actions took place on October 6th, when 20 motivated Avertimers climbed Mont Ventoux once again, aiming to make a tangible difference in the fight against ALS.

Sport dans la Ville (SPDV)
Finally, we are happy to announce our new partnership with Sport dans la Ville (SPDV).
The aim of this partnership is to promote social and professional integration of the youth, mainly from underprivileged neighborhoods, using sports as an educational and integration tool.
Our collaboration with Sport dans la Ville began in 2022, with a career coaching program ("mentoring") to support the professional ambitions of young people. In 2023 and 2024, we strengthened this partnership by assisting with internal event organization, tutoring their staff through English conversation sessions, optimizing fundraising efforts during the annual gala evening, developing the B2B offer for the new sports campus in Pantin, and supporting the redesign of a solidarity foot race.

We want to extend our heartfelt thanks to our Avertimers for their incredible dedication and hard work in supporting our partnerships with the ALS League, TADA, and Sport dans la Ville.
Wd also want to express our gratitude to our partners for their collaboration and trust. As we approach a new year full of exciting projects, we are thrilled to continue this journey with you, driving positive change and making a meaningful difference in our communities. On top of this, we are actively seeking a new partnership to support our Environment cause, aiming to expand our efforts and make a stronger positive impact on sustainability.
Thank you for being an essential part of our mission. Let's make 2025 another year of remarkable achievements.