Avertim gives support to different committed players that want to transform our society to a more inclusive one
The start-up BIGH : developing urban farms
The school Escalpade : creating adapted educational institutions for disable children
FruitCollect : combating food waste
Les samaritains: organizing campaign to collect and distribute donation to people in need

Toekomst Atelier De l'Avenir (TADA)
TADA is a non-profit organization located in Brussels Region that has the purpose to contribute to the integration and emancipation of Brussels’ socially most vulnerable teenagers and their entourage. They support approximatively 1000 teenagers with their network compounded by coaches that follow their evolution.
TADA’s program includes extra-scholarship activities like classes given by professionals. That’s why Avertim decided to participate to this program because we share one particular value that is sharing knowledge. Avertim’s consultants have contributed by teaching and coaching those teenagers about entrepreneurship and how to define a Business Plan.
We endeavor to regularly iterate this experience and help their development by offering a direct knowledge transfer.

Every year, Louvain School of Management organizes a business game called LSM Cup , which is the largest student CSR-oriented business game in Europe. As a part of this competition, Avertim has sponsored the LSM Cup and provided business cases related to CSR. Two of our consultants were jury during the competition and goodies were given to attendees.
Avertim went further by identifying opportunities for LSM Cup to reduce their ecological footprint and helping them with their planning process. We organized workshops and provided decisional tools that allowed students to take sustainable decisions.
Finally, a training on emotional intelligence was given by one of our consultants, which was another occasion to share our knowledge to others.

“Even before I started at Avertim, I already knew that I would join the CSR committee at the first opportunity. In my opinion, this allows you to put forward your convictions and have a positive impact on the organization. It represents an additional workload, but it is well worth it. Working with a team of people who share the same strong values is deeply rewarding.”
> Bruno W., Consultant, Energy & Mobility sector